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Milupa is selling 5 packages of 200 grams each for 20 Turkish Lira. They suggest that breastfeeding mothers should use 2-3 packages a day. That means it would cost 300 Turkish Lira per month. I apologize to those uncles for saying that you are dead.



No animal besides humans drinks milk to produce milk. The company wants to increase their sales by selling products to mothers who are breastfeeding.



A beverage that can help improve the quality of your milk supply can be consumed once a day if you are not able to eat a balanced diet. It tastes sweet, similar to sahlep, and is a great option for mothers who enjoy sweet drinks.



A beverage that contains cocoa. Some people find it too sweet, so they add a bit of granulated coffee to make it less sweet.



If a company is working with people who pretend to be psychologists but are not, and it is believed that they are committing fraud, then it should be reported.



Contrary to what many people think, it is not necessary to drink alcohol to increase breast milk. Instead, it is important to make sure you are getting enough iron, vitamins, and other nutrients while breastfeeding. If you are not getting enough of these nutrients, it can cause your hair to fall out in large amounts. Lactamil is a drink that can help provide the lost vitamins and minerals. It is not meant to treat vitamin deficiencies, but to help increase milk production. If you drink two of these drinks a day, one box will last for five days. It can be a bit expensive, so I usually drink it every few days. It is quite thick and has a taste similar to sahleb.

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